Being a brand new baby blogger, I am looking ALL over the web at blogs for inspiration.  So many blogs, so little time! There are a few that I LOVE LOVE LOVE and will share here.
First, the queen, the Oprah of blogs, in my honest opinion is Marian Parsons, Miss Mustard Seed.  I have been following Marian FOR YEARS.  I believe she might have been the first blog that I read seriously and followed religiously.  I also believe that she was the first “influencer” that influenced me, so to speak.  She recommended it, I bought it.  Her blog is full of beautiful photographs of her home, her art, her Miss Mustard Seed paint line, antiques and all things vintage home décor.  Love me some Marian and you will too at (Instagram – @missmustardseed)

I love Liz Fourez at Love Grows Wild and have followed her for several years as well.  I love her soft style, her projects, home décor and her Chip Gaines-knowledge of power tools.  Her blog is BEAUTIFUL and each post seems so organized, thought-out and choreographed to perfection.  For a visual vacation for your eyes and a soft champagne dowse for the brain, check out Liz’ blog at  (Instagram – @lizlovegrowswild)

The rest of these top blogs I found from Instagram.  I stepped into the world, or might I say, off the cliff into Instagram Influencers this past year and through their Instagram accounts, I found wonderful DIY blogs from ladies like Natalie at Vintage Porch.  Natalie is hysterical on Instagram where her stories are so funny and oh-so-smart.  I expect it won’t be long until this talented family has their own show! You fall in love with her home, her kids, her husband, and yes their precious pup Chester.  This girl finds so many wonderful thrift finds and turns them into GOLD, which she chronicles step by step on her blog.  Slip on over to Natalie’s porch at  (Instagram – @vintageporch)

What Marian is to blogging, I would compare Leslie Saeta at My 100 Year Old Home to Entertaining for sure.  She is the QUEEN of organized and fabulous entertaining and well, all I can say as an entertaining junkie myself is #goals.  Her Instagram account is truly one of my favorites to follow and her blog has fantastic tutorials so we all can entertain and create like Leslie.  Her 100 year old home is in Pasadena, California, but she recently refurbished a 100 year old house in Waco, Texas, right down the way from Chip & Jo. She just launched it this month as an Air B&B.  I’m going to have the privilege of seeing it this April in Waco and I CAN’T WAIT!  Check out both of Leslie’s gorgeous 100 year old homes at  (Instagram – @my100yearoldhome)

I found Sarah Joy on Instagram and fell in love with her sweet Colorado, but sounds like a northerner charm – oh my gosh she is delicious.  Her Instagram feed is always fun, uplifting and I have learned SO much from this young mom.  She has a GREAT blog where she shows you step by step DIYs, bargain buys on beauty and fashion and home décor in her precious Colorado home.  You can thank me later for visiting Sarah at  (Instagram – @sarahjoyblog)

The last blog I’ll talk about this post is Sandi & Shalia at The Spoiled Home.  Again, their Instagram account is so much fun and one I don’t want to miss on a daily basis.  Their account lists “daily deals” and buying recommendations, but their two unique and individual personalities shine in the Instagram feed and stories that they share.  Their stories lead me to their blog where you can find deal after deal and photo after photo of their houses and wonderful families.  Don’t blame me when you get addicted to the gals at  (Instagram – @thespoiledhome)

So that should give you some good reading material until next time. Who are your favorite bloggers … please, do share!! Happy Reading!